Number of ordinary shares in issue |
467 855 101 |
467 797 446 |
467 855 101 |
Weighted average number of ordinary shares |
467 855 101 |
302 656 582 |
384 574 258 |
Weighted average number of shares for dilu ted EPS |
467 855 101 |
302 656 582 |
384 574 258 |
Note 1: The weighted average number of shares in issue at 31 December 2014 is 54.6% greater than at
31 December 2013 |
Basic earnings |
94 758 |
71 153 |
153 823 |
Adjusted by: |
7 411 |
7 822 |
30 122 |
- Impairment of intangible assets |
- |
- |
40 620 |
- Impairment/(reversal) of associate |
10 577 |
7 884 |
(3 720) |
- Loss/(profit) on disposal of assets |
108 |
(62) |
235 |
Total tax effects of adjustments |
(3 273) |
- |
(4 906) |
Total NCI effects of adjustments |
- |
- |
(2 107) |
Headline earnings |
102 169 |
78 976 |
183 945 |
Earnings per share (cents) |
- Attributable to ordinary shares (cents) |
20.25 |
23.51 |
40.00 |
- Diluted earnings per share (cents) |
20.25 |
23.51 |
40.00 |
Headline earnings per share (cents) |
- Attributable to ordinary shares (cents) |
21.84 |
26.09 |
47.83 |
- Diluted earnings per share (cents) |
21.84 |
26.09 |
47.83 |