Our governance and leadership
The AfroCentric Board embraces its responsibility for ensuring that fundamental principles of sound corporate governance are observed and institutionalised throughout the Group. Primary among these are the Companies Act, the JSE Listings Requirements, Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), Group Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) and King IV. These enable the Group to be managed ethically and operate within acceptable risk parameters, complemented by its charters and policies.
Overview of key corporate governance practices
At least one-third of Non-executive Directors offer themselves for re-election at each AGM
Risk appetite set and monitored
Annual review of Board leadership structure
Combined assurance approach
Annual Board and committee evaluations
Board-approved policy on independent professional advice
MOI includes provisions on the protection of shareholder rights and the equitable treatment of shareholders
Safeguards in place to monitor transactions between the Company and our significant shareholders
Approved malus and clawback policy in place
No supermajority provisions in governing documents
Proactive stakeholder engagement programme
Risk management through an enterprise risk management framework
Succession planning and rotation
Strong Lead Independent Director
'Overboarding' (directors' external commitments) policy and provisions
No voting rights ceilings
Shareholder right to call special meetings
Related-party transactions monitored and transparently disclosed
Board diversity
Racial diversity (%)

Gender diversity (%)

Age diversity (%)

To ensure AfroCentric's Board reflects South Africa's demographics and practices of good governance, we employ qualified directors from diverse backgrounds. The diversity criteria include gender, age, ethnicity and geographic background, as well as meeting the Board's requirements for skills and qualifications. AfroCentric recognises that a diverse Board makes better decisions by reducing "groupthink", paying attention to managing and controlling risks, and understanding the Group's clients. Our gender policy outlines the Board's position on gender diversity in line with King IV requirements.
Our gender diversity policy can be viewed at https://afrocentriconline.co.za/reports/afrocentric-ar2021/pdf/gender-diversitypolicy.pdf
Board of directors
Detailed biographies of our Board can be found at www.afrocentric.za.com/au-board.php
- Non-executive Directors
- Independent Non-executive Directors
- Executive Directors
Non-executive Directors
Independent Non-executive Directors
Executive Directors

Further information
Group CFO
Qualification: CA(SA)
Appointed: 1 August 2015
Expertise: Finance and investment banking
Committees: Invitee to committees
Combined Board skill set
Our Board has a unique skill set that enables our Group and its business model to be agile in a volatile economic environment. In terms of skills and expertise, members must have the highest levels of integrity, a deep understanding of governance, appropriate technical, financial and non-financial knowledge, as well as strong interpersonal skills.
Our directors' experience (%)