
Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers:

In the following table, revenue from contracts with customers is disaggregated by primary geographical market, major products and service lines and timing of revenue recognition. The table also includes a reconciliation of the disaggregated revenue with the Group reportable segments.

fees — medical
aid schemes
IT revenue
and other
Retail Health risk
fees —
  R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
31 DECEMBER 2021                  
Primary geographical markets                  
South Africa 769 806 673 077 4 359 22 491 285 179 1 289 599 1 057 517 85 918 4 187 946
Africa 84 291 8 321 815 7 266 100 693
  854 097 681 398 5 174 22 491 292 445 1 289 599 1 057 517 85 918 4 288 639
Major product/service line                  
Admin health 854 097 292 445 1 057 517 85 918 2 289 977
Retail (Pharma) 1 289 599 1 289 599
Managed healthcare 681 398 5 174 22 491 709 063
  854 097 681 398 5 174 22 491 292 445 1 289 599 1 057 517 85 918 4 288 639
Timing of revenue recognition                  
Products transferred at a point in time 1 289 599 1 289 599
Products and services transferred over time 854 097 681 398 5 174 22 491 292 445 1 057 517 85 918 2 999 040
  854 097 681 398 5 174 22 491 292 445 1 289 599 1 057 517 85 918 4 288 639
31 DECEMBER 2020                  
Primary geographical markets                  
South Africa 723 249 742 658 1 582 15 502 260 226 1 152 996 795 208 96 396 3 787 817
Africa 85 720 8 052 776 7 377 8 475 110 400
  808 969 750 710 2 358 22 879 268 701 1 152 996 795 208 96 396 3 898 217
Major product/service line                  
Admin health 808 969 268 701 795 208 96 396 1 969 274
Retail (Pharma) 1 152 996 1 152 996
Managed healthcare 750 710 2 358 22 879 775 947
  808 969 750 710 2 358 22 879 268 701 1 152 996 795 208 96 396 3 898 217
Timing of revenue recognition                  
Products transferred at a point in time 1 152 996 1 152 996
Products and services transferred over time 808 969 750 710 2 358 22 879 268 701 795 208 96 396 2 745 221
  808 969 750 710 2 358 22 879 268 701 1 152 996 795 208 96 396 3 898 217
30 JUNE 2021                  
Primary geographical markets                  
South Africa 1 387 629 1 411 066 2 474 38 096 528 300 2 437 065 1 877 580 194 840 7 877 050
Africa 165 827 16 288 1 579 13 674 197 368
  1 553 456 1 427 354 4 053 38 096 541 974 2 437 065 1 877 580 194 840 8 074 418
Major product/service line                  
Admin health 1 553 456 541 974 194 840 2 290 270
Retail (Pharma) 2 437 065 2 437 065
Managed healthcare 1 427 354 4 053 38 096 1 877 580 3 347 083
  1 553 456 1 427 354 4 053 38 096 541 974 2 437 065 1 877 580 194 840 8 074 418
Timing of revenue recognition                  
Products transferred at a point in time 2 437 065 2 437 065
Products and services transferred over time 1 553 456 1 427 354 4 053 38 096 541 974 1 877 580 194 840 5 637 353
  1 553 456 1 427 354 4 053 38 096 541 974 2 437 065 1 877 580 194 840 8 074 418